Words, they are simple little fragments of a statement,
made by letters bound together that presumably mean something. No one pays much attention. They use them every day and throw them around like a dirty dish rag. Some could argue they receive the most abuse humankind could ever offer. We forget why words were made. To share ideas and values and give people the ability to know each other in a deeper manner than ever before. Words gave us the best gift anyone or anything ever could. They gave us the ability to be human. It sickens me today how we use and abuse words and sometimes even pull them into the battle they never wanted to belong in. We make words become a being they never wanted to be. We forge them to points to slice and murder each other with. Words were meant to bind people together. To create families and friends. Although nowadays they seem to do the opposite and not by their own accord. We have tainted words and these over-processed beings made by hot headed tongues have created monsters out of what was once human. We could never blame words for what we have become. Instead we can blame ourselves. Because we are the creatures nay the monsters that twisted the souls of words and made them into something that was more poison than palliate. We always blame words for our problems. But do we ever stop to notice who are using the words. Who are enslaving the words. Who are raping the words. No, because we are to afraid to look in the mirror. Learn to use words as a tool to bring us together as a human race rather than one altered to tear us apart and beget avoidable hate and chaos. Learn to love words again.